Alte Volant, translating to “Fly High” in Latin, is a Los Angeles based clothing brand that is embarking on its journey in 2023 for a global migration, founded by Kyle Walker. With skateboarding for 21 years, Kyle discovered the limitlessness and fire that ignites when you take a leap of faith towards your dreams. He allows the same rhythm and passion to flow into designing high-end ready to wear collections. Like filming videos and creating projects to practicing skateboarding tricks for endless hours…only for seconds of actually rolling away. That feeling lasts an eternity and is what Kyle brings to life with his designs. To scare ourselves everyday with what we love to do.
Forwardness towards turning our dreams into reality making it an everyday habit. Where the thrift store meets high-end luxury and home goods.
Home grown, hand-made, and meticulously sourced fabrics with the highest intent to create timeless pieces for men and women. With intention & purpose • Let’s take flight